Groupthink and the wisdom of crowds
Information cascades
September 22, 2019 — April 22, 2022
Suspiciously similar content
To link to: getting along, swarm sensing, voting systems, democracy, groupthink. 🏗 When do group decisions embody the wisdom of crowds and when groupthink? How do we tie the group consensus to reality rather than let the dynamics of signalling and simulacra dominate.
1 Diversity dividends
Possibly diversity and tolerance are not just intrinsic moral goods, but may pay literal dividends in terms of avoiding groupthink and being more effective, etc. What are the conditions for this happy state?
Does diversity help attain wisdom? Sometimes, it seems. Scott Page calls this the diversity dividend. Quantifying when and how it works is of interest to me.
Practically, see cultivating diversity.
McKinsey report, Vivian Hunt, Dennis Layton, and Sara Prince: Why diversity matters:
While correlation does not equal causation (greater gender and ethnic diversity in corporate leadership doesn’t automatically translate into more profit), the correlation does indicate that when companies commit themselves to diverse leadership, they are more successful.
(They could possibly have done better than that mealy-mouthed correlation phrasing, using causal analysis.)
Other random readings: Chris Dillow, diversity trumps ability.
The new Matthew Syed book (Syed 2020) (titled Rebel Ideas or Superteams depending where you are) apparently covers some of this material.
3 Incoming
- Tim Harford, How not to Groupthink
- Information Cascades
- TIL about Surprisingly popular methods, where you ask people what they think other people will think, to identify experts. Clever trick. (Prelec, Seung, and McCoy 2017)
2 Social structure of knowledge
Vested interests, contrarians, consensus.
Scott Aaronson on “armchair epidemiology” uses the COVID-19 public communication fiasco as a lens on societal collective knowledge and science and the role of contrarians. Connection to red queen signal dynamics should be apparent. The comment threads in that post meander around this topic at length.
This resembles another pyramid of fashionable disagreement that he mentions, the Intellectual Hipsters and Meta-Contrarianism pyramid.
Rex Douglass’s How to be Curious Instead of Contrarian About COVID-19 dives into the Richard Epstein contrarian piece about COVID-19 response as a case study in how to disagree productively.