Interpolation, extrapolation and memorisation in neural networks

January 25, 2022 — June 14, 2024

graphical models
how do science
machine learning
meta learning
Figure 1: Learn this convex hull.

Interpreting models in terms of their ability to interpolate and memorise and when that becomes extrapolation. Connection to neural scaling, overparameterization.

The notion of interpolation and extrapolation is fundamental in various fields from deep learning to function approximation. Interpolation occurs for a sample x whenever this sample falls inside or on the boundary of the given dataset’s convex hull. Extrapolation occurs when x falls outside of that convex hull. One fundamental (mis)conception is that state-of-the-art algorithms work so well because of their ability to correctly interpolate training data. A second (mis)conception is that interpolation happens throughout tasks and datasets, in fact, many intuitions and theories rely on that assumption. We empirically and theoretically argue against those two points and demonstrate that on any high-dimensional (>100) dataset, interpolation almost surely never happens. Those results challenge the validity of our current interpolation/extrapolation definition as an indicator of generalization performances.

Classic works in this domain include Balestriero, Pesenti, and LeCun (2021); Le (2018); Ma, Bassily, and Belkin (2018); Zhang et al. (2017); Zhang et al. (2021)

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