Gradient steps to an ecology of mind

Regularised survival of the fittest

November 27, 2011 — September 17, 2024

collective knowledge
extended self
game theory
incentive mechanisms
social graph
Figure 1

At social brain I wonder how we (humans) behave socially, and evolutionarily.

Here I wonder if consciousness is intrinsically social, and whether non social intelligences are a problem for consciousness. What ethics will execute on their moral wetware?

Does selfhood evolve only in evolutionary contexts, in an ecosystem of interacting agents of similar power? Is consciousness that good anyway?

1 Loss functions versus survival functions

Figure 2: O hai I optimised your art for you

“Entities that optimise for goals, above all”, versus “entities that replicate and persist, above all”. Two different models for adaptive entities.

As an evolutionary replicator, myself, I am inclined to fear optimisers, and wonder how our interests can actually align.

There are non-optimizing paradigms for AI (Lehman and Stanley 2011; Ringstrom 2022). Also works lik2 Arcas et al. (2024) suggest that replicating is itself a way of producing entities.

2 Consciousness

Is subjective continuity a convenient way of getting entities to invest in their own persistence?

Figure 3: Go on, buy the sticker

3 Incoming

Neural Annealing: Toward a Neural Theory of Everything.

Professor Javen Qinfeng Shi says:

Mind is a choice maker. Choices shape the mind

  • Q learning: do what a good/kind person would do (moment to moment), learn wisdom (V function) and have faith in future and self-growth. It naturally leads to optimal long term accumulative rewards (Bellman equation)
  • Policy gradient: learn from past successes (to repeat or mimic) and mistakes (to avoid). Require complete episodes to reveal the end accumulative reward per episode

This is the first time I have heard of policy gradient as utilitarianism versus Q learning as virtue ethics.

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