Decoupling the economy from energy
May 20, 2021 — October 3, 2023
incentive mechanisms
intellectual property
making things
tail risk
the rather superior sort of city
Suspiciously similar content
A placeholder about the notion of decoupling the economy from energy and physical constraints more generally. Can we have prosperity without an ever-increasing energy footprint?
1 Virtual worlds
Is the ideal plan to make sure that most people live in virtuality rather than reality?
2 Enclosing the intellectual commons
What are the incentives of a non-energy-coupled economy? In a world that is just eternal reselling of intellectual property, a kind of rentier system, facing the same problem the Georgists raise about landlords, but even more intimate, if our very thoughts and experiences are licensed?
3 Can information technology be low-carbon actually?
4 Physical infrastructure
5 References
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