Sequential Monte Carlo
Particle filters if the objective is not necessarily a filter. Incorporating Interacting Particle Systems, Sequential Monte Carlo and a profusion of other simultaneous-discovery names
July 25, 2014 — October 18, 2024
Suspiciously similar content
A Monte Carlo algorithm updates a population of samples with a nested update to incorporate successively more information about an estimand. This mildly generalises particle filters, although sometimes the difference is only in the interpretation of the maths, since it works most naturally if a problem can be given a state-space model.
There is much confusing terminology in this domain.
Let us clear up the main stumbling block though: somehow the theoretical basis field has coalesced under the banner of interacting particle systems, which is an awful unsearchable name that could mean anything, and indeed does in other disciplines. Wikipedia disambiguates this problem with the gritty and also abstruse Mean Field Particle Methods. In practical applications, we talk about particle filters, or sequential Monte Carlo, or bootstrap filters, or iterated importance sampling, and these all denote confusingly similar concepts. Usually if you see Feynman-Kac formulae, you are in the right place.
1 Introductions
- Pierre Jacob’s Particle methods for statistics reading list
- The lineage and reasoning are well explained by Cappé, Godsill, and Moulines (2007).
- Chopin and Papaspiliopoulos (2020)
2 Model selection within
🚧TODO🚧 clarify
3 Feynman-Kac formulae
See Feynman-Kac.