Inference on social graphs

Heterogeneous media and controls

September 22, 2019 — June 3, 2020

collective knowledge
game theory
social graph


Fun keywords: Egocentric sampling, graph sampling, friendship paradox, majority illusion, and the analysis of projectivity. 🏗

Figure 1

1 Majority Illusions and filter bubbles

See majority illusions.

2 Confounding on graphs

Cosma Shalizi, Return of “Homophily, Contagion, Confounding: Pick Any Three”, or, The Adventures of Irene and Joey Along the Back-Door Paths and sequel. and Experiments on Social Networks. See also his Neutral cultural networks stuff.

My colleague at UNSW, Pavel Krivitsky is highly productive in this area, especially with the exponential family random graph (pronounced “ergum”) model, and I will list the articles he wrote so that I can pester him for details: (Hunter, Krivitsky, and Schweinberger 2012; Kolaczyk and Krivitsky 2015; Krivitsky and Morris 2017; Krivitsky et al. 2009; Krivitsky and Handcock 2014)

3 Incoming

Michele Coscia. Michele Coscia’s new paper uses a graph Laplacian to calculate an approximate Earth mover distance over a graph topology. (buzzword use case: inferring graph transmission rate of a disease interpretably). This looks simple; surely it must be a known result in optimal transport metric studies?

For models, specifically, of actual disease contagion, see Shalizi’s review of Kiss, Miller, and Simon (2017).

4 References

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