Gradient descent, Higher order
October 26, 2019 — October 26, 2019
functional analysis
neural nets
Suspiciously similar content
Newton-type optimization uses 2nd-order gradient information (i.e. a Hessian matrix) to solve optimization problems. Higher order optimization uses 3rd order gradients and so on. They are elegant for univariate functions.
This is rarely done in problems that I face because
- 3rd order derivatives of multivariate optimizations are usually too big in time and space complexity to be tractable
- They are not (simply) expressible as matrices so can benefit from a little tensor theory.
- Other reasons I don’t know about?
I have nothing to say about this now, but for my own reference, a starting keyword is Halley-Chebyshev methods which seems to be what the 3rd order methods are called.
John Cook has a nifty demo of how this works in the univariate case.
1 References
Gower, and Gower. 2016. “Higher-Order Reverse Automatic Differentiation with Emphasis on the Third-Order.” Mathematical Programming.
Gutiérrez, and Hernández. 2001. “An Acceleration of Newton’s Method: Super-Halley Method.” Applied Mathematics and Computation.
Hernández, and Salanova. 1993. “A Family of Chebyshev-Halley Type Methods.” International Journal of Computer Mathematics.