Causality, agency, decisions

Exotic decision theories, Newcomb’s boxes…

October 23, 2018 — March 3, 2025

extended self
game theory
graphical models
incentive mechanisms
social graph
Figure 1

Notes on decision theory and causality where agents make decisions, especially in the context of AI safety. For bonus points, we might consider multiple agents.

This is something I’m actively trying to understand better at the moment. There is some mysterious causality juju in foundation models and other neural nets. This suggests to me that we should think hard about this as we move into the age of AI.

AFAICT, using causality to reason about intelligent systems requires some extensions to vanilla causality because they can reason about the outcomes they wish to achieve, which makes stuff complicated and occasionally weird.


1 Causality with feedback

A thermostat is an example of the most basic extension of causality; see causality under feedback.

2 Basic Mechanisation

A recent and fresh introduction seems to be Everitt et al. (2021), so let’s follow along with that.

set of random variables \(\boldsymbol{V}\) with joint distribution \(\operatorname{Pr}(\boldsymbol{V})\) is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) \(\mathcal{G}=(\boldsymbol{V}, \mathcal{E})\) with vertices \(\boldsymbol{V}\) and edges \(\mathcal{E}\) such that the joint distribution can be factorised as \(\operatorname{Pr}(\boldsymbol{V})=\prod_{V \in \boldsymbol{v}} \operatorname{Pr}\left(V \mid \boldsymbol{Pa}_V\right)\), where \(\boldsymbol{Pa}_{\boldsymbol{V}}\) are the parents of \(V\) in \(G\).

This should be familiar from causal DAGs.

There’s an extension to classic Bayesian networks called influence diagrams, which are a generalisation of Bayesian networks that can represent decision problems, using “square nodes for decision variables, diamond nodes for utility variables, and round nodes for everything else.” In contrast to classic influence diagrams, there are probability distributions over decision variables.


3 Mechanised Multi-agent DAGs

Extending causal DAGs to include many agents deciding about each other. See causlity with multiple agents.

4 Identifying agency

What even is agency? How do we recognise it in natural and artificial systems? What are the implications for control, economics, and technology?

Discovering Agents (Kenton et al. 2023; MacDermott et al. 2024) takes an empirical look at the question of agency by examining, AFAICT, what is a deciding node in a mechanised causal graph.

5 Causal attribution and blameworthiness

I should write more about this: a connection to computational morality. Everitt et al. (2022) and Joseph Y. Halpern and Kleiman-Weiner (2018) seem to be works in this domain.

6 Causal vs Evidential decision theory

I no longer think this binary is a good way of understanding the Newcomb problem because:

  1. The mechanised causal graphs look like a crisper definition of the concepts here.
  2. The analyses that start from flavours of decision theory, rather than the causal axiomatization, seem unusually spammy and full of vagueness.

This is kept for historical reasons.

Fancy decision theories for problems arising in strategic conflict and in superintelligence scenarios. Keyword: Newcomb’s paradox. A reflective twist of game theory worries about decision problems with smart predictive agents. Strong AI risk people are excitable in the vicinity of these problems.

I have had the following resources recommended to me:

Although their reading list is occasionally IMO undiscerning, you might want to start with MIRI’s intro which at least exists.

Existing methods of counterfactual reasoning turn out to be unsatisfactory both in the short term (in the sense that they systematically achieve poor outcomes on some problems where good outcomes are possible) and in the long term (in the sense that self-modifying agents reasoning using bad counterfactuals would, according to those broken counterfactuals, decide that they should not fix all of their flaws).

I haven’t read any of those, though. I would probably start with Wolpert and Benford (2013); David Wolpert always seems to have a good Gordian knot cutter on his analytical multitool.

7 Updateless decision theory

8 References

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