Smartypants cities
December 25, 2014 — November 5, 2019
incentive mechanisms
making things
the rather superior sort of city
Suspiciously similar content
Notes towards the ubiquitous monitoring and automating of our built environment. The Internet of Big Things.
1 Ideas to discuss
- How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables
- Smart city versus surveillance state.
1.1 Transport
Self-Driving cars will improve our cities if they don’t ruin them.
- Transportation Executive Summary — RethinkX (I have questions about how they imagine they can handle rush hour)
2 To read
Shannon Mattern, A City Is Not a Computer:
“What should a city optimize for?” Even in the age of peak Silicon Valley, that’s a hard question to take seriously. (Hecklers on Twitter had a few ideas, like “fish tacos” and “pez dispensers.”)
Adam Greenfield is the guy who rails against technocapitalist utopians and will hence not get you funded.
Also this review of his Against the smart city.
Against the smart city itself, why not?
Tom Armitage, Some of these things are not like the others
3 References
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