Sex and sexology
Incorporating smut, lewdness, and prurience
June 7, 2020 — January 16, 2022
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Sexual acts
Although I have listed pornography elsewhere, I felt that some links about what people do rather than what they watch people do would be interesting. What they do sexually, I mean. The crossover is of course interesting too. How society at large manages what we do sexually is also of interest.
1 Sex
Wellcome’s sexology season was deleted from the internet AFAICT, but it sounded cool. See archived material:
2 Dunning-Kruger theory of sex
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz’s amusing book on search-versus-survey polls makes some provocative deductions about how closeted everyone is, in the sense of getting off on surprising things. Disclaimer: I haven’t read the book, and while I can see looking at Google search data could do away with certain survey biases, there are obviously many other biases in the data, and I have no idea how/if he dealt with those.
3 Politics of sex
See also queerness, sexual institutions…
4 Sexology in history
The Wellcome Sexology library has so much cool stuff! Anti-masturbation tracts, and quasi-anthropological smut, and a Pick up artist guide from 1936, sort-of.
Read Paul Collins, Spanking the Monkey, on the weird moment that was Edward Bliss Foote’s gory, mail-order, anti-racism, pro-phrenology, snake-oily, home-health-and-sex edutainment empire of the late 1800s. Some of the books they discuss are scanned and online for your reading and remixing.