Biological phylogeny
October 6, 2016 — February 5, 2022
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Phylogeny of phyla, visualised? Check out Evogeneao Tree of Life Explorer to learn that the Coelacanth is your 190 millionth cousin, 100 million times removed.
Also, Georgia Ray argues There’s no such thing as a tree (phylogenetically). Or a Lime, upon closer inspection. Lemons are real though.
1 References
Irfan, Akhtaruzzaman, Islam, et al. 2007. “Mathematical Representation and Analysis of Rhythms from Various Regions.” In.
Puigbò, Wolf, and Koonin. 2009. “Search for a ‘Tree of Life’ in the Thicket of the Phylogenetic Forest.” Journal of Biology.
Stanley. 2007. “Compositional Pattern Producing Networks: A Novel Abstraction of Development.” Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.
Youngblood, Baraghith, and Savage. 2020. “Phylogenetic Reconstruction of the Cultural Evolution of Electronic Music via Dynamic Community Detection (1975-1999).” arXiv:2011.02460 [q-Bio, Stat].