Making macOS behave itself
Things I have to do to keep my laptop running so I can google how to fix other things
April 27, 2015 — January 20, 2025
Suspiciously similar content
See also command lines it is tedious to remember for general POSIX commands.
Many of the commands mentioned here are supposed to be run as sudo root, and each may irremediably ruin your computer, your life, and soil everything you have ever loved. Then it might challenge you to a break dance battle, I dunno. Certainly, some of these commands have done some of that to me.
If any such adverse circumstance should eventuate, it will not be my responsibility. The only guarantee I provide here is that some stuff helped me at least one time.
See also filesystem-specific hacks, hacks about using macOS in the low-bandwidth world or macOS server (defunct).
The remaining tips are arranged so that the further down the list, the longer it’s been since I needed it; the later ones probably don’t work on modern macOS.
1 Handy apps
An app that keeps “recently handled files” at the ready behind a keyboard shortcut. I use this dozens of times a day. See Ironic Software.
1.2 Resource monitors
There are some real-time monitors that let us know if we are OOM, too hot, etc.
- iStatistica (Famous, good, surprisingly expensive)
- exelban/stats (Free, pretty good)
- iGlance (Free, possibly abandoned)
These do not prevent problems but at least they disambiguate problems.
1.3 Clipboard management
See Clipboard. Maccy, jumpcut, flycut
1.4 Quicklook preview
For some reason, quicklook previewers seem more security-hole prone. They tend not to have developer-signed certificates, and they tend to be abandoned, and image formats are frequently vectors for malware.
For example, CVE - CVE-2023-4863 means that all WebP viewers before 2023-09-14 were insecure.
Proceed at your own risk.
上的“iPreview - 强大好用的Quick Look扩展程序” enhances quicklook with various image formats including AVIF, WebP, and EPS.
dreampiggy/AVIFQuickLook: AVIF QuickLook plugin on macOS is free for AVIF.
1.5 Prevent screen locking
e.g. when you are running the local jukebox. There are many apps, but I use Amphetamine.
1.6 Floating a window
2 ⌘-tab app switcher appears on the wrong screen
We can make the task switcher appear on all monitors, which is IMO what everyone apart from VJs should do.
4 OCR from screen
macOS supports an OCR system called Live Text, which means any time I can see text on the screen I should be able to copy and paste it (e.g. I should be able to use links I see in a video chat). However, only some apps seem to support this feature, so I end up doing round trips from screenshots to supported apps. Sometimes alternative methods are useful.
Markus Schappi’s macOCR: Get any text on your screen into your clipboard.
This works for me because I have a terminal open 100% of the time. It can be invoked by a shortcut, which is super easy.
I have also seen Extract Text from a Screenshot with Shortcuts, which might help terminal-shy people, but I cannot work out where to download it. ltxlouis devised a Siri-based solution but that just leads me to a download page for an app that claims that Siri does not work on my laptop, which is weird because Siri is RIGHT THERE. Tapping out of that.
Before Live text, there were more onerous options. See macos ocr script hacks via FastScripts 3
5 triald
6 Remapping keys
a.k.a. Help I need to use a Windows keyboard.
There are a lot of keys on this Windows keyboard that are useless to me. macOS has a fairly limited repertoire of ways for me to mutate the key assignment natively. How do I remap that Outlook button to be a Command key?
We can use hdiutil as per Technical Note TN2450: Remapping Keys in macOS 10.12 Sierra, but that involves complicated keyboard character numbers we find by error-prone means.
An alternate solution is to use Karabiner Elements. This seems to solve all imaginable keyboard problems.
- Karabiner-Elements
- pqrs-org/Karabiner-Elements: Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.
I do not know how trustworthy this software is, but it seems to require a high level of system access, including continuous keystroke monitoring, so be careful.
7 Desktop wallpaper
Various scrappy fan communities make animated wallpaper.
Here is a command-line app for stitching together “dynamic“ (i.e. time-of-day-sensitive) wallpaper: mczachurski/wallpapper: Console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for macOS Mojave and newer Dynamic Wallpaper club hosts a user-generated Gallery of pretty things and also instruction.
Too much effort? For pre-rolled wallpapers for the busy, see
- Unsplash Wallpapers (free)
- 24 Hour Wallpaper (AUD 15 but very pretty; but also limited selection; too much coastal panorama for my taste, as a landlubber)
8 Meta tips
Mr Bishop’s Awesome MacOs Command Line lists how to fix a great many things from the keyboard. Previously on github, but that is now mostly a page about his grumpiness at lazy github drive-bys contributors.
A sampling:
9 Desktop weblinks
Safari will create clickable weblinks this if I drag a URL onto the desktop. Is there a supported way of doing it from other browsers? I have no idea, but I can save a file with .webloc
extension in my favourite code_editor and it works fine. Template:
10 Gatekeeper
An ongoing mess of opaque trade-offs between security, privacy, and usability.
- Apple’s Gatekeeper issues might have slowed down your Mac earlier
- Catalina is checking notarization of unsigned executables
- macOS 10.15: Slow by Design
- How to Work With and Around Gatekeeper
10.1 Notarization slowdowns
odgard notes that some things are slow in macOS 10.15+. Fixes suggested include
See also Jeff Johnson’s analysis.
11 iMessage doesn’t know how country prefixes work any longer
Apparently we now need to manually add country prefixes to any phone numbers in our inbox that arrive without country prefixes? Here is a script to add country code to OS X Address book entries:
tell application "Contacts"
repeat with eachPerson in people
repeat with eachNumber in phones of eachPerson
set theNum to (get value of eachNumber)
if (theNum does not start with "+" and theNum does not start with "61" and theNum starts with "0") then
-- log "+61" & (get text 2 thru (length of theNum) of theNum)
set value of eachNumber to "+61" & (get text 2 thru (length of theNum) of theNum)
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
Note that it only works in versions of macOS before 12.1 because that is when Apple broke scripting for the Contacts app.
12 Error beeps are laptop farts
I hate user interface beeps in general. I REALLY hate them being played promiscuously through arbitrary bluetooth devices. I have tried my best to turn them off.
I do not want them. If they really must play, they can play on my laptop’s internal speakers, thank you very much. Even better would be the laptop speakers of someone else. Maybe a convicted criminal who needs this kind of low-level irritation as part of their state-mandated punishment? Or Apple bluetooth devs needing operant conditioning. I particularly do not want beeps to manifest on audio outputs they are not invited to.
macOS audio alerts are rude intruders. For me, every time a new bluetooth audio device or HDMI device is connected (or reconnects because a bird flies past or an angel sighs), macOS will use it for error beeps and miscellaneous notifications. The OS is overzealous when it comes to bluetooth devices, constantly attempting interference with non-consensual error beep interjections. This is incredibly annoying.
Here are two apps that claim to prevent macOS from imposing its error beeps on random devices:
Audio Profile Manager(USD5) Audio Profile Manager does not do this thing. I tried. It managed other system sounds okay but cannot stop system alert beeps playing from inappropriate devices. macOS will still switch to whichever bluetooth device is most irritating.- SoundSource (USD43) I am not yet prepared to spend USD43 because something in my heart feels there must be another way.
12.1 Security
13 Typing emoji
As seen in typography. tl;dr Cmd Ctrl Space
14 Why do files open when I click on them too long?
I didn’t double click, honest guv.
That would be spring loading which you can turn off.
15 Respond to model dialogue boxes without mouse
Sometimes I don’t want to click on buttons and would happily press a button instead. That is disabled by default. There is a keyboard shortcut setting which enables tab-navigation. System Preferences → Keyboard → Shortcuts → Full Keyboard Access… → All Controls.
16 Trusting homebrew casks
could automatically approve some apps, although then you’re casting aside a useful security feature.
17 Convert selected text
e.g. to upper case/lower case/HTML/markdown. There was this “services menu” technology which looked like it was going to do this for a while but that’s no longer fashionable? 🤷♂ These days it seems one uses a third-party app.
18 Creating GUIs for shell scripts
19 Automatically anonymized system status logs
e.g. for debugging or sharing with a support person. Etrecheck.
20 Change default shell
21 XCode
If you’re reading this, you’re enough of a geek to need Xcode. Run the following to install all of Xcode or just the command line tools:
Xcode CLI breaks after every update. The current incantations to fix it are given in the following links:
22 Usable scripting
Apple has shipped a slow, incomprehensible scripting language for as long as I have known them. It’s called Applescript. After much time trying to persuade it to do things, I feel comfortable asserting that using it will never save me time, although occasionally I execute a one-liner via osascript. There are attempts to, in principle, open up macOS’s scripting APIs to, e.g. Javascript by jstalk or Python via PyObjC but that’s a brutally low level to do things from unless you’re an app developer, and the documentation is even worse (and then why not just use Swift?)
Some people seem to have converged on the UIKit accessibility API as a reasonable interface to script.
On this front, try Hammerspoon/Phoenix. pyatomac does the same for Python but seems designed for UI testers, not UI users. You can do it with Applescript of course, if your heart overflows with bituminous hate.
23 Bootloadey whodangle
For certain problems you need to reseat the SMC and PRAM which are formally referred to collectively as the bootloadey whodangle
. This seemed to break often for me. I have an inkling it’s no longer a thing for modern Macs.
Symptoms include:
- machine doesn’t boot
- CPU fan going all the time
- machine is pausing lots,
- having trouble getting laid,
- a global geopolitical malaise is leading to the ineluctable slide of civilisation into ecosocial catastrophe.
Do these things:
- Reset the SMC: Switch the computer off, then, while off, on the built-in keyboard, press the (left side) ⇧-⌃-Option keys and the power button at the same time.
- Reset the PRAM: Switch the computer off, then, while booting, press and hold the ⌥-⌘-P-R keys until the startup sound chimes again.
- Build a small pyramid over your laptop from bronze and crystals. Burn some incense and your Applecare guarantee in a brazier atop it. Surround it with small pictures of your departed ancestors. Make an offering of fruit and prayer.
23.1 Other boot key combos of note
- Alt
- offer a boot menu
- C
- boot up off CD/USB
- ⌘-R
- Recovery OS
- Shift
- Safe mode
- ⌘-V
- verbose mode
- ⌘-S
- single user prompt
24 Networking from the command line
See also network hacks for some non-mac-specific ones.
24.1 Renew DHCP lease
My previous awful router would cross if I leave the house and when I return I try to use the same DHCP lease. But it’s a one-liner to fix.
24.2 Turning it off and on again
Turn on WiFi on your MacBook from the macOS terminal command line:
List available WiFi networks from the macOS terminal command line:
Join a WiFi network from the macOS terminal command line:
Find your network interface name:
24.3 DNS is choked up
Oh no! Did you use your computer in some wacky workplace network that blocks “frivolous” websites? You need to flush it.
DNS flush command keeps changing, eh?:
More generally, avoid the problem with upgraded DNS.
25 Focus stealing
Stop stealing focus from me, slow app, I clicked on you like 30 seconds ago.
CNET says: How to keep applications from stealing focus. But their first idea (edit application, break code signature) is not a viable idea in the modern world.
The command-line background-open still works, although if I wanted to launch apps this way I would be using Linux.
The Apple-supported solution is for you to buy a faster computer.
26 Time machine
26.1 precision control
is the command-line app which allows you to do proper monitoring and control of the time machine service. It includes, for example, backup statistics
There is also Time Machine editor which controls various time machine settings including local snapshots, below. If you are using an oldish machine without a fast drive then this is useful.
26.2 local snapshots, mess
I think this is largely a cosmetic issue, but macOS keeps a local copy of various versions of your files around, called local snapshots or mobile backups depending on where you look.
If, like me, you version everything in git, this is mostly annoying, but also harmless as they are self-cleaning. Nonetheless, things did go wrong for me. I noticed that my spotlight indexing was stuck on the mobilebackups folder for some reason. Why was it even?
27 Using Chromium (“open-source Chrome”)
Harder than it should be; Google really wants you to use their furtively modified alternate branch, Google Chrome.
28 Reset semaphores
I can’t even remember why I needed to do this, or how I worked it out, but geez, it saved my bacon from something or other.
29 ssh-agent
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist
Which worked for me. It is not ideal to require root permissions to share user keys.
asserts we can Restart SSH on Mac Terminal like this (also requiring root permission obviously):
30 Dock disconnects hard drives when mac sleeps
Thunderbolt 3 dock disconnects when MacBook sleeps:
Given that the computer sleep seems to be the problem, I turned off the “Power Nap”, and it seems to be working for me now.
- System Preferences > Energy Saver
- Power Adapter tab
- Uncheck “Enable Power Nap while plugged into a power adapter
- Open System Preferences.
- Click the Energy Saver icon.
- By default the ‘Put hard disks to sleep when possible’ option will be selected. Uncheck this option.
31 iTunes never finishes syncing my phone
It stays stuck on “importing photos”? Because you don’t use iCloud, right? For one thing, why would you voluntarily put your private photos in the hands of some opaque third party? For another, even if you wanted to, if you live in a bandwidth-poor country, iCloud sync is not just bad, it’s comedically bad. Atrociously, OS-floggingly slow and glitchy. “iClod”, let us call it. So you sync using a cable and iTunes, of course.
Except that, every couple of days, that breaks. Here’s how to fix it. (Note that this question refers to “iPhoto”, but the same bug has been faithfully carried over and reproduced in Aperture and Photos by diligent Apple devs, and the same fix works.)
Quit iTunes
Note that this will reset iTunes to not sync your images, so you might need to reconstruct your settings.
Do that, try again.
32 Run out of file handles
Hmm, who knows how this works on the latest versions?
But the traditional advice is:
33 plist
files are opaque binary messes
This is how to convert them to text. If you regard XML as text.
34 Which file is crashing/hanging $PID
Perpetual monitoring natively:
or the classic Unix way:
See here for some tips on debugging runaway/hung/exploded processes. “See what syscalls the process actually tries to do and if there are any failed ones (status is not 0)”:
Case study: distnoted
and lsd
34.1 lsd
runaway CPU
Some indexing jobs can cause it to choke, e.g. application bundles. Also, a corrupted database, which may be fixed thusly:
34.2 distnoted runaway CPU
This is some kind of notifications daemon. I have no idea why it is out of control. It seems to be related to other processes such as certain version of flux or bartender. but the problem only seems to occur when my backup drive is plugged in. Hmmph. File a ticket?
Michael Rourke suggests doing this every minute:
# check for runaway distnoted, kill if necessary
export PATH
ps -reo '%cpu,uid,pid,command' |
awk -v UID=$UID '
/distnoted agent$/ && $1 > 100.0 && $2 == UID {
system("kill -9 " $3)
But note this will break backup, so maybe just don’t.
35 Concatenate PDFs
⚠️ Historical interest only ⚠️. If you don’t have a pre-2020 macOS, use a mainstream PDF editor.
"/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/" \
UPDATE: now that python no longer ships with macOS, this python2 script is still available but tedious to execute.
If you are, e.g. concatenating chapters of a PDF book you downloaded from e.g. Springer, then you might have the creation dates in the correct order even if they are lexicographically incorrect. In that case you want (fish shell style)
"/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/" \
(ls -rUt)
There is some kind of problem with spaces in pathnames if I do it from a different folder.
36 Installing skype
Never install skype! Skype is spookware. If you must use it, use the web version. UPDATE: is MS Teams built on Skype?
37 Stop gamed and other processes leaking your data and wasting precious network sockets for no reason
in reference to this.
38 macOS claims it forgot my email/contacts/calendar password again
Then an hour later it forgets again again?
Woe! I fixed this once then I forgot how I did it.
Linkdump while I sort it out again again again:
Continuous [sic] request for the CalDAV password? Here’s one solution:
- Go to the Apple menu and choose System Preferences
- Choose the ‘iCloud’ preference pane
- Sign in to iCloud in the preference panel — note if you’re already signed in but still seeing the pop-up message, you can sign out then sign back in to stop that password prompt from happening again
- Close System Preferences
39 Re-time stupid alarms
By default, if you use notifications from Apple Calendar, the notification for events is at 9am, right in the middle of the first meeting of the day.
So you’re halfway through the report-back presentation about your recent conference visit when your laptop pops up: RECTAL EXAMINATION TODAY.
You aren’t supposed to be able to change this because the thought of this cruelty is all that gets jaded Apple executives out of bed in the morning, but there is a hack they forgot to stop.