Physical infrastructure
September 24, 2022 — October 30, 2024
incentive mechanisms
making things
tail risk
the rather superior sort of city
Suspiciously similar content
Physical infrastructure, miscellaneous notes upon.
1 Incoming
- Spectech Newsletter | Ben Reinhardt
- Would a journal of infrastructure complexity be any good?
- Brian Potter, Construction and the Toyota Production System
- Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
- How high are infrastructure costs? Analysing interstate construction spending
- Australia’s infrastructure cost conundrum
- Trump Infrastructure Plan: Cost Will be an Issue. Here’s Why.
- Why do roads, rail, and infrastructure cost so much to build in the US?
- SMART Infrastructure Facility - University of Wollongong
- Gang nail plates: The Invention that Accidentally Made McMansions (video)
- Self-Healing Concrete: What Ancient Roman Concrete Can Teach Us
- Sustainable building: The hottest new material is, uh, wood
2 References
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Leishman, Bond-Smith, Liang, et al. 2021. “Relationships Between Metropolitan, Satellite and Regional City Size, Spatial Context and Economic Productivity.” AHURI Final Report.
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McLaren, and Agyeman. 2015. Sharing Cities: A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities. Urban and Industrial Environments.
Resnick. 1997. Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams : Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds.
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Swei. 2018. “Long-Run Construction Cost Trends: Baumol’s Cost Disease and a Disaggregate Look at Building Material Price Dynamics.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.