Inference from disorder
October 19, 2016 — February 26, 2025
dynamical systems
stochastic processes
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I don’t know if this is a real category, but through conversations with Jonas Peters, Aurora Delaigle, and Zdravko Botev, I’ve seen a few references to the idea that we can draw inference from the lack of structure in some sense, in the world.
Janzing and Peters talk about inferring an arrow of time or, relatedly, causal ordering.
I believe another way of framing inference from disorder is detecting when the conditions for noise outsourcing are not fulfilled.
Connection: algorithmic statistics, independence, entropy vs information, statistical mechanics of statistics, causal inference…
1 References
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Delaigle, and Hall. 2015. “Methodology for Non-Parametric Deconvolution When the Error Distribution Is Unknown.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology).
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Hoyer, Janzing, Mooij, et al. 2009. “Nonlinear Causal Discovery with Additive Noise Models.” In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21.
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