
March 10, 2020 — April 3, 2020

count data
social graph
stochastic processes
time series
Figure 1: Buy this from sam.

A grab-bag of links about disease spread in its filthy glory. I am particularly examining COVID-19, out of necessity.

Figure 2: [Microbescope by David McCandless, Omid Kashan, Miriam Quick, Karl Webster, Dr Stephanie Starling]

The spread of diseases in populations. A nitty-gritty messy empirical application for those abstract contagion models.

Connection with global trade networks: Cosma Shalizi on Ebola and Mongol Modernity.

1 Modeling

I used to know a little about agent-based behavioural epidemic simulation, but I am no longer in that field and do not regard myself as a practical expert.

I do know a little more about contagion models.

2 Ameliorations

2.1 Contact tracing

Contact tracing is its own miniature study.

3 References

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