Copula functions
June 23, 2015 — June 23, 2015
tail risk
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A neat way of quantifying dependence structures between random variables. Useful in, e.g. Quantitative Risk Management.
The trick is simple: Informally, you look at the marginal iCDF of each of \(n\) variables, and fiddle with the joint distribution of those marginals on \([0,1]^n\). (That’s assuming variables are absolutely continuous w.r.t some underlying measure space; distributions with atoms are more fiddly.)
This is a good trick, although I need to sit down and think it through. I would like to better understand:
- the relationship between the underlying event space and the instrumental one we “sort of” construct in copula modeling.
- Is any information lost with non-monotonic coupling in a copula model?
- conditional copulas and how they work
- the occasionally-mentioned relationship between copula entropy and mutual information.
1 Elliptical
For now, see elliptical distributions.
2 Vine copulas
Hierarchical graphical models, AFAICS.
3 References
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