Biomimetic algorithms

December 21, 2015 — October 2, 2022

probabilistic algorithms
Figure 1

Nature-inspired algorithms for computers for problems without obvious “normal” solutions. (If you want to use computer-inspired algorithms for nature, that is the dual to this, bio-computing.)

The problem to be solved is usually a search/optimization one. Normally evolutionary algorithms are included too. (ant colonies, particle swarms, that one based on choirs… harmony search?), Typically these are attractive because they are simple to explain, although often less simple to analyse.

Is this a real field separate from all the things that look similar to it? Often they are asymptotically the same as a conventional stochastic method. e.g. particle swarms and particle systems, or evolution and stochastic gradient descent. Somewhere in this mix is artificial chemistry, where you use a simplified model of a natural process as a simplified model for computing about other natural processes, or showing that natural processes might be computing, or something like that.

…and quorum sensing? How about that? Multi-agent systems?

Points of contact between classical neural nets and artificial neural nets are always entertaining. Beniaguev, Segev, and London (2021) is one. See Fruit Fly Brain Hacked For Language Processing for an artificial-neural-networks-meeting-their-ancestors moment.

Figure 2

1 Genetic programming

See genetic programming.

2 Neuron-like neural networks

See Neural neural networks.

3 References

Beniaguev, Segev, and London. 2021. Single Cortical Neurons as Deep Artificial Neural Networks.” Neuron.
Dabagia, Papadimitriou, and Vempala. 2023. Computation with Sequences in the Brain.”
Dabagia, Vempala, and Papadimitriou. 2022. Assemblies of Neurons Learn to Classify Well-Separated Distributions.” In Proceedings of Thirty Fifth Conference on Learning Theory.
Eberhart, and Kennedy. 1995. A New Optimizer Using Particle Swarm Theory.” In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science.
Floreano, and Mattiussi. 2008. Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Methods, and Technologies (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents).
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